The Gospel Bus Team

The Gospel Bus Team
Meet everyone in the Team

Work with the Homeless

The outreach in Belfast has been extremely beneficial.  We have been able to meet more homeless, which is the heart of this part of the Gospel Bus Ministry.

We do thank the Lord for the opportunities we've been given to speak about Him to those young people coming from night clubs/bars; but to reach out to those in great need and show God's love to them in such a practical way, is a real blessing from God.

It's so hard sitting talk to these people knowing that when we walk away they will be lying in a sleeping bag on a cold concrete path in all types of weather, yet we were heading home to our warm comfortable beds. Oh how they need our love and prayers!

Please pray for this work - for the Team members as they speak to all types of people, with all types of problems/issues - pray that we will have the right word or scripture to assure them of God's everlasting love and support, in all situations.
"He that hath pity upon the poor lendeth unto the Lord; and that which he hath given will he pay him again." (Proverbs 19:17)

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